In accordance with the terms of Subsoil Use Contract, Company has paid a Recognition bonus in the amount of 10 million dollars. As agreed with Kyzylorda Region and Kyzylorda city local administrations, “KAZPETROL GROUP” company contributes to the strengthening of population health, development of education, culture and sports, participates in social and economic development of the region and acts as a reliable partner in the formation of a stable and favorable social environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole.
All liabilities for the period of 2007-2022, in the amount of 2 bln tenge ($7,5 mln) Company has performed in full and in a timely manner, by directing finances to local funds for the region.
In addition, in 2010 the Company transferred an amount of $ 1.8 mln. to Astana Fund for Development.
In 2012 Kyzylorda football club “Kaisar” was funded by the company to take part in the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among the Premier League clubs, as well as the children and youth football teams, to be part of the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the amount of support was $20 000.
Total investments over 19 years amounted to 110 billion tenge. Over 358 million US dollars.
During the pandemic, the company provided social assistance to the region (medicines, medical equipment, products) totaling 113 million tenge ($274 thousand)
The company has developed programs to provide material assistance to employees, as well as two additional social programs for employees with big families.
Company is in full compliance with the legislations and regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection, and implements a system of measures aimed at achieving the level of the best international standards in this area to prevent possible accidents at work, and to reduce possible negative impact on human health and the environment.
Company adheres to the Code of Business Ethics by regulating the activities of the Company in the field of business ethics, health, safety and environmental protection, control and finance, company relations with employees, shareholders and the third-party organizations.