
Alzhanov Yermek Khairgeldyevich

Director of Production

Alzhanov Yermek Khairgeldyevich

International internship "Studying the Norwegian Oil and Gas industry"

Dubai, Abu Dhabi

International Internship "Leading experience of oil and gas companies in UAE on oil exploration and development", the UAE

Swiss Business School , Switzerland

МВА - Master of Business Admimistration

Gubkin University (Russian State University for Oil and Gas)

Specialty: "Oil and Gas Business"

Since 2022 to the present, Yermek Khairgeldyevich has been occupying the position of Director of Production at KAZPETROL GROUP LLP. He has more than 10 years of work experience in oil and gas companies of Kazakhstan. He has significant experience working in the field of reservoir management, production and modeling technology and competently applies this knowledge in managing the work, focusing on methods improvement.