
Effective training at the shift camp or how to stay fit while staying in a place with limited access.

15 march 2024

When working in the conditions of the shift camp, where access to exercise equipment and specialized areas is limited, maintaining physical fitness can be a challenge. However, the company management decided to equip the shift camp with both a well-equipped gym and workout platform for maintaining excellent physical shape, regardless its high cost and even with limited resources. This is a pure indicator that the company cares about its employees and adheres to its values, one of which states that the most valuable asset of the Kazpetrol Group is its employees.

Workout training, or functional training, is an approach to physical activity that focuses on variety of movements, improving strength, endurance, flexibility and overall fitness. In our shift camp, where there is a full-fledged gym with equipment for various training, football hall, table tennis, there is also the possibility of training in the fresh air.




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